Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Politician Say What?

Are you starting to feel like its time for this election to be over and that we need to move on? Well, I do. The last weeks of a national campaign (or any campaign for that matter) turn so negative and "off-topic" it is disgusting. Not because we get tired of hearing all the he said she said stuff, but because eventually one of these two men will be the President of the United States. And all of the negative name-calling and political misdirection will leave part of the country doubting our new leader.

Whether you are a Democrat, Republican or other party supporter, today's blog is about culture in political parties. Remember when the Republican party was about the conservative christian right? Not today. No conservative christian would pull the stunts the RNC is pulling right now. A conservative christian would stay on topic and stick to the issues and not let petty things take over. (At least they are supposed to.)

So watching the dramatic shift in campaigning for the RNC since Karl Rover took over several weeks ago leads us to ask, "Is the Republican party about conservative, ethical, moral values or about getting elected at whatever the cost?" Because in the last weeks, this last thought is all that this campaign has been about.

Say what you will about our current President, but he has stayed consistent to his conservative christian values. His strategies may not have worked, but he has been consistent and he has not changed with the wind.

Now, my intention is not to trash one party and sound like I am supporting the DNC over the RNC. Not at all, The DNC has made its share of mistakes as well. But this recent change in behavior by the candidate and the party really have me asking, "Is this the true culture of the RNC or just the culture of a few that will be rejected after the outcome?"

What we do know, is that if it is the true behavior and value system of the RNC, then it has changed. I think its not the true nature. Honestly, I think this attempt to win at all costs is going to cost the RNC this election.

And when it is all said and done, they should have stayed true to their corporate culture. They will find themselves no different than the Fortune 500.

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