Monday, March 8, 2010

Where Does Corporate Culture Fit in a Down Economy (Part 1)

We are now going to enter a series about why I think you should start a culture change in this down economy. Hopefully, I didn’t already lose you. I know I joke around a lot, but this time I am being serious. I believe there are multiple reasons (Hence the series) why you should seriously consider a culture change.

So, to start off we are going to talk about your current company and mainly your current employees. Employees derive most of their self esteem from their jobs. (See previous posts about this subject) And with the current economy, I am sure that some of your employees have lost some, if not all, of their motivation to work. This is why I see a culture change as being motivational to your company.

Companies with strong cultures have motivated employees who are committed to the company’s goals and values. When this happens the whole business succeeds. If we can get your employees back to being motivated and not fearing their jobs then your business will surely succeed. See the connection I just made? I’m so proud of myself. But, seriously your employees would like a jolt. They are looking for someone to reassure them and let them know that “we” are going to get through these times. They want to know that leadership is looking out for them as employees and for them as a company. I think the culture change will send just that message!

Cultures brings a unison to the workforce. It will commit them to the purpose of why you are in business. And, it will commit them to go above and beyond in their jobs, because you just showed them that you care and that you will do the same for them.

Let’s take an example real quick. Since, I love pizza so much, so it seems, let’s focus on Domino’s Pizza. Here is a company who has been slacking in market share and overall quality for a while now. They didn’t let the current recession bring them down, they revamped their culture, quality of their pizza, and brand of Domino’s and now they are back on track. Their pizza is better, and their brand is stronger, which are both reinforced by the culture that is backing all of the change.

Hopefully, my motivational skills have made this sound easy… But, rest assured it may not be that easy. This will be the hardest and most beneficial step in the culture change, especially in these times. As I continue through the series, if this step is not properly financed, managed, or controlled the culture will not work. And your employees will not feel the value they need. As it happens though, the next parts of the series become easier as we go along, but not less important.

Finally, I would encourage you readers out there… Anyone? I would encourage you to post comments or let me know your concerns or worries about implementing a culture change in a down economy. I am sure we can find ways for it to work and for it to bring about the most success in your business.

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