Sunday, March 14, 2010

Where Does Corporate Culture Fit in a Down Economy (Part Last)

We have reached the end of our little series, and I hope over the past week you have seen areas where culture can have an impact in your company. Throughout the series, we didn't discuss all possible benefits of a strong culture, but some benefits I believe are generally understood. That being said, I have faith in you guys!

Anyways, the last part of the series I wanted to bring everything together and give some encouragement to those who are already implementing strong cultures. We talked how culture motivates your employees and how it creates a connection for employees to your company's purpose. This attracts customers to your company, and it also attracts top prospects to your company.

I was on a panel the other day and one of the members said "Be the type of person that attracts the type of people you want to date." I know you may think I am mixing up my blogs, but I am going to make a connection here. As a company, you want your culture and the way you do business to attract the type of employees you want as leaders within your organization. If you are attracting sub-par analytical prospects, but you need top notch creative prospects, then you may want to look at how you look to the outside world. Now, you will always need to distinguish between different types of employees, a.k.a your HR department, but wouldn't it make their lives much easier if they had only A+ talent applying to positions.

Also, culture will differentiate your company and your product. We want your customers to perceive your company and your brand as superior. Culture is the answer, and is what will create the above average experience for the customer. This will help develop lasting relationships with your customers, which are critical in retail and most other industries. Invest the time training and developing your employees and I promise you they will invest the time in your customers. Your "cultured" employees will be what reveals your culture to customers, and therefore are your MVP's.

Finally, I want to congratulate those of you who are either initiating a culture change, or who have already created strong cultures. I am sure that you are seeing the benefits of your work. Therefore, I want to encourage you to continue investing in your culture. Remember, everything speaks, and the moment your employees or customers perceive your culture differently, your effort could be minimized. Some companies can rebound from these mistakes and others can't. So, be sure that you are taking the time and using the necessary resources to maintain that culture, because there is no better way to improve your sales.

As for those of you who are thinking about initiating a culture change. Please do! I would recommend help; I am bias towards penumbra media & design, but especially in this economy help will be critical. You will need to make sure you are covering all aspects of a culture change, and at the same time not wasting resources. We are here to help you become better, so I hope you seriously consider the impacts culture can have on your business.

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