Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Paradigm Shift Series - Your Mission Field

Your Mission Field. For most of us, we see missions as something we do in other parts of the world. Perhaps it is a short-term trip to a foreign country or maybe just a week in a town devastated by a disaster or poverty. If we believe in God’s sovereignty, then we must accept the fact that the place he has us living right now – be it an apartment, dorm room or home, be it temporary or permanent. This place is your mission field.

This shift corresponds with the first one – belonging enables believing. Get to know your neighbors. You know, those people who live around you that you see on a regular basis but do not know their names. God put you in their midst so that they might get a glimpse of Him through you. This also connects to the last shift. These people are not projects. They are people. Do life with them and get to know them. Earn the right to discuss spirituality by meeting them where they are without judgment. This is what our city is missing. The simple fact is that more of your neighbors are former church-goers who gave up or got disillusioned than are simple non-believers. They believe in God, but have no relationship. And they have been so burned by the “church” that the topic of church or spirituality is out of bounds with them – at least not until they see you are different or they can trust you.

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